Thursday, November 11, 2010

Last day in Vanuatu

Oh it is so sad to leave. Today was our last day at Vila Central Hospital in the maternity ward. The midwives were sad to see us leave and so grateful for our help. They presented Susanne and I with little gifts. We brought a big chocolate cake, biscuits, soda and chips. Not the healthiest of snacks, but they loved it.

Susanne and I each delivered a couple babies today. No suturing though. My first baby was very tachycardic (190-200 beats per minute). We started an IV with normal saline, but it did not help. As soon as she was fully, she pushed so strong she got a nose bleed. I have never seen that before. But baby came out (in moderately thick meconium stained water) and was fine. No problems. Later, she could not pee so we put in a urinary catheter. Out came 750ml of urine! So much. Then I pushed 3 large clots out of her uterus.

Tonight we have gathered a bunch of locals and non-locals to go out dancing. Yay. Then at 7am tomorrow we leave for NZ. Hopefully tonight we won't be out too late :)
Now off to town to pick up a bag of powdered kava to bring a friend in NZ, a quick swim in the pool, kava, dinner and dancing.
Peace and love (and kava!),

**Elias, I never got the CDs but I do have a note for you from MW Sam.

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