Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Elias here. There was an elective c-section this morning (they call them "cesar") for a woman who'd had 2 c-sections before. I was in the operating room watching when I felt a little wobbly. It was very hot and I hadn't had breakfast so I thought I might be passing out. I checked in with myself again -- yes, wobbly -- so I went and sat down. Then the anesthesiologist asked if I'd felt that earthquake. Oh! An earthquake! Then I'm fine!

After the surgery he checked online (who knew they had a computer with internet access in the operating section?!) and told us there was an 8.1 earthquake off the coast of Santo and now there's a tsunamai warning. In the maternity ward they turned on the radio (audible really only to the postpartum women) and we listened to warnings in Bislama, English, and French (then tropical music). They were saying the Ministry of Education had closed the schools and the kids were being sent home. I went back and forth a bit, weighing the baby, giving him shots, then helping him to breastfeed while the mother was in recovery. Once she was settled in the postpartum area, we figured we'd go watch from the point at the top of the stairs down to the coast level, so we took our lunches and went our phone number in case the twin mom got close to delivery. There were many others watching there as well, some with radios. I chatted with some australian soybean farmers, but then the warning was lifted and everyone else left. There was some light rain, some wind, but not enough of either to cut the heat!

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